Planetary snapshot
In 2021, Saturn will remain in your 11th house of earnings which will give you new opportunities. Rahu (North node of moon) will transit your 3rd house of efforts, siblings and respiratory system; Ketu (south node of the moon) will be in your 9th house of destiny, luck and higher learning’s. Jupiter will come out of its sign of debilitation on 5th April and move away from your 11th house into your 12th house. It will then move back to your 11th house of Capricorn in September 14th where it is again debilitated; it then will make its third and final transit of this year back into Aquarius your 12th house, on the 20th November.

Mars is lord of your 2nd and 9th house representing income, family and good luck. You may be adversely impacted during its debilitation when it dips into the sign of Cancer between 2nd June to 20th July. There can be issues with family members through interference in private matters. Try to see the bigger picture and keep the peace. You may have some health issues, keep active and top up on vitamins to remain energised.

Mercury retrogrades thrice this year. Mercury rules your 4th and 7th house. There may be misunderstandings with romantic partners, avoid saying things you don’t mean. You can feel anxious and nervous around these times, meditation and other forms of relaxation will help. Key periods to watch out for mercury retrograde are: Jan 30th- Feb 21st, May 29th – June 22nd, sept 27th – Oct 18th, and the mercury debilitation (31st March – 16th April).

Venus will be closely associated with the Sun and therefore ‘combust’ or ‘ast’ between the Jan 25th – April 23rd. As Venus rules your 3rd and 8th house of siblings, efforts, health and transformation. Keep care of your health, don’t over exert yourself. You may have some issues with money at this time, but these will resolve. This also applies for the period between 11th Aug – 15th Sept when Venus is debilitated in Virgo, relationships will need attention, be patient and understanding.

Career and Finance
You will have great career opportunities from the very start of the year with Sun and Mercury in your career zone. If you have any interviews lined up, rest assured you will deal your best performance. Saturn remains in your 11th house of earnings this year, and this will give you a rise in income and boost your financial position especially after April, when Jupiter, your ruler, moves out of debilitation. You will find that your colleagues and managers respect you and you have opportunities to prove yourself. If you are a business owner, you will see an improvement in your finances from mid year and there will be a renewed optimism. As Jupiter moves into Aquarius in April, you may find that the new choices you make bring additional expenses, but this will be positive in the long run.  Ketu (south node of the moon) in your 9th house can sometimes make you feel like that you are not achieving your goals, but this is usually because you have high expectations; so be realistic in your goals and don’t trap yourself with unrealistic expectations. Rahu in your efforts zone indicates you may not initially be recognised for your efforts as much as you had hoped but don’t let this stop you as you will receive credit later in the year.

You will feel happier in relationships once your ruler Jupiter has moved out of its state of debilitation in April. There will be opportunities to rekindle the romance and rebond. If you are single, you will have opportunities to meet someone that is more of an authority figure. Tread with caution between June and end of July when Mars will be debilitated in the romance sector. This can cause frustrations in love and cause sudden arguments that are hard to resolve. Be patient and try not to be too controlling or the one being controlled, keep a balance.
There can be disagreements with siblings this year, try to be the peacemaker, it’s not worth disturbing your own mental peace.

With Rahu (north node of the moon) transiting your 3rd house, you may be prone to chest/respiratory ailments throughout the year, so maintain good diet and exercise and build your immunity. You may also have some neck shoulder injury or condition that flares up. Make time for yourself, you often bottle things up so relaxation through meditation, calming music or exercise will be beneficial. The position of Saturn may also cause increased pain in legs or cramps so be sure to take the necessary medical advice.

It is your own lack of confidence that may hold you back. If you have a structured and disciplined approach then you can do very well. Saturn aspecting the study zone of your chart can cause distraction and lack of concentration, therefore try to maintain a good study discipline and follow your schedule. Without this approach you may not get the results you desire. Make short study sessions with clear targets. You will not be able to sit and revise for long periods. You need short burst of revision which will be more productive for you. Take on some side hobby so you have a means for motivation. If you can indulge in meditation and mantra recitation this will be advantageous to your success.