Planetary snapshot
In 2021, Saturn will remain in your 3rd house of Capricorn which represents efforts, confidence and siblings. Rahu (North node of moon) will transit your 7th house of marriage, relationships and business partnerships; Ketu (south node of the moon) will be in your sign which will bring transformation. Jupiter will come out of its sign of debilitation on 5th April and move away from your 3rd house and into your 4th house of family and property, which will be positive. It will then move back to your 3rd house of Capricorn in September 14th where it is again debilitated; it then will make its third and final transit of this year back into Aquarius your 4th house, on the 20th November.

Mars is your ruler and therefore a significant planet for you. You may be adversely impacted during its debilitation when it dips into the sign of Cancer between 2nd June to 20th July. You may feel frustrated and need to manage your temper. Avoid being over dominating and possessive. Stay away from negative energy, be diplomatic and calm yourself. You may suffer from increased anxiety in this period so it is important to make time for yourself, meditate, keep healthy.

Mercury retrogrades thrice this year. Mercury rules your 8th and 11th house, you may have unexpected expenses that crop up relating to family. There may be expenses to do with property or penalties around unsatisfactory applications. Ensure you don’t take short cuts as you may have to revisit tasks later. Key periods to watch out for mercury retrograde are: Jan 30th- Feb 21st, May 29th – June 22nd, sept 27th – Oct 18th, and the mercury debilitation (31st March – 16th April).

Venus will be closely associated with the Sun and therefore ‘combust’ or ‘ast’ between the Jan 25th – April 23rd. As Venus is your ruler, it will be natural for you to feel unsettled or mildly dissatisfied in this period. You need to balance your expectations in all areas of your life. Plans may change but you need to be open to this and embrace the changes, they can be positive. It is your own fixed mindset that will hold you back if you don’t evolve as you need to. This also applies for the period between 11th Aug – 15th Sept when Venus is debilitated in Virgo, relationships will need attention, be patient and understanding.

Career and Finances
You will feel you deserve more than what you are getting and this will make you want to search for new opportunities. Career wise this is going to be a time where you are questioning your own abilities and performance. Try not to make sudden decisions where you leave your job without having a stepping stone to go onto as finding something ‘better’ may prove difficult in the first half of the year and you may get frustrated in the process. You may have changes in your existing role which mean you are given more responsibility but the remuneration is not to your liking.

You will have to be thick skinned with the people you work with as there can be issues with the people you work with, employees, senior managers or other authority figures. If you are feeling undermined by people who feel jealoused of you, stand up for yourself and try to settle things amicably, and quickly. Be strong and confident and try not to take it personally, instead put together an action plan on how to deal with such situations. Astrological remedies at the time may help things.

This will be a time where you need to exert patience in relationships. Rahu (north node of the moon) in your 7th house of marriage and relationships indicates that there can be a level of disharmony and frustration caused by clashes in egos and expectations. Rahu can bring out the detective in you and you may become less trusting and more questioning of your partner. Keep a balance and don’t overdo it, as this will cause issues that can make you seem like strangers at times.

Try to see your partner’s perspective and try to make efforts to make them feel valued. Make time for each other and listen to what they want aswell as what you expect from them. Try to appreciate the good things and do not compare your basket to others. Mars starts the year in your 6th house which means there is a potential for other people to influence your relationship, so avoid letting other people make decisions for you. For those that are on tricky ground it is a time where you may decide to have a break and have some time to yourself. There can be separation for more practical reasons such as work reasons, other family commitments. There will be an improvement in the second half of the year but that is subject to how you manage your perceptions and mindset in the first half. For those that are single, there are chances of meeting someone new, however there can be a lot of confusion as to whether they are right for you. Try to think practically before getting emotionally involved.

Try to increase your activity and build your immune system with the necessary vitamin/minerals supplementation to avoid being under the weather in the period between June 2nd and July 20th when Mars the planet of vitality, your ruler, will be debilitated and aspecting the area relating to breathing, chest ailments. Muscle strains, weakness can be possible so good circulation through exercise will help. Seek the advice of appropriate healthcare practioner as necessary.

With Saturn in your 3rd house of efforts, it is exactly that – a time for a disciplined approach and good efforts. If you have a good realistic action plan on how you wish to tackle your study then you will surely reap the results in the second quarter of the year onwards when Jupiter moves into a better state. You will find it easier to focus and absorb study material from April onwards. You will do well this year in studies provided you have a structured approach. Saturn in the 3rd house can cause issues with concentration at the start of the year and this is why short bursts of revision and practical learning will be more beneficial for you. Set yourself a short time span for study with clear objectives of what you want to cover. Long study sessions with open syllabus and no clear approach will not work this year. Manage frustration by having a hobby, something that you enjoy doing alongside as a reward. Adopt a mantra for meditation and try to be more spiritual, this will help concentration. You will be quite competitive this year, stay focussed.