We start the month with Sun in Aries in its state of exaltation. Sun will remain here until 14th of May after which it will continue in the sign of Taurus for the remainder of the month.

Mercury has now ended its state of debilitation in Pisces, and started the month in Aries along with the friendly Sun. However this month there will be three sign transitions for Mercury. It moves into Taurus on 9th May and then jumps into Gemini on the 24th. This will mean that there will be talks of action (Aries) and focus on the material world (Taurus), so possible strategies of boosting the revival of the economy, and ideas of starting up businesses to generate cash flow. However there is a risk that ideas quickly change (Gemini transit), or new strategies overtake the original plans.

Venus will be transiting in its own sign of Taurus and will be there until August. However it becomes retrograde on 13th May until 25th June. This can indicate strong focus on money related matters, economy and the housing market. There will be more focus on love and relationships where unsatisfied expectations can cause frustrations and decision time.

Mars will move from Capricorn into Aquarius on 4th May, so we will see some relief to some of the frustration that was building up with its conjunction with Saturn and debilitated Jupiter over the last month.

Jupiter remains in Capricorn until 29th June. It will commence retrograde on 14th May until 13th September.

Saturn will remain in Capricorn but also commence retrograde on 11th May until 29th September.

Rahu and Ketu will continue in the signs of Gemini and Sagittarius respectively. However it may be noted that Rahu, has now moved out of the nakshatra of Ardra and into Mrigashira. Ketu will continue in the sign of Moola throughout May. Planets will remain in Kaalsarp grip between 13th May and 27th May.

With 3 important planets going retrograde at around the same time this month, it signals visiting old issues/concerns which have not been adequately dealt with. If there is anything that had to be put on pause for various reasons at the beginning of the year, now will be the time where you can bring it back into focus and deal with it. There may be a lot of churning out of old things which no longer fit in with what you want, it will be a spring clean of unwanted baggage, making a path for new starts and energies in your lifestyle.