Virgo Horoscope 2021

This is a transformational period for you, where you will develop and achieve your desires through hard efforts. You will have new ideas of what you want to be doing that will redefine your identity in a positive way. There will be new professional opportunities. If you can believe in yourself and push yourself to do the things you are thinking about then you can be successful. It is your own lack of confidence and inhibitions that will hold you back, so let go, and move forward boldly.

Libra Horoscope 2021

It’s time to start feeling like you are moving forward emotionally this year. You have spent too long feeling stuck in limbo, and now some of the planetary changes in the coming year will mean you can put into action the thoughts you have reflected on in the previous year. Try to make time to balance yourself and distance from those that take up too much of your mental energies.

Scorpio Horoscope 2021

With Ketu transiting your sign, this year is about transformation and managing your expectations. You will find you are reflecting a lot over the past, maybe also comparing yourself to others at a similar stage in life; but it is important that you do this in a positive way and use your introspection to build yourself and move forward to achieve your aspirations. 

Sagittarius Horoscope 2021

You start the year with the Sun and Mercury in your sign which makes you feel strong, confident and someone with a plan to be in control! This is a great energy providing you put action behind your initiatives and do not get complacent. Your ruler Jupiter is still debilitated so you can sometimes slip into auto pilot mode. However from April Jupiter will move into Aquarius which will signal things starting to move forward for you naturally. Try to have strong foundations in place now to reap the benefits of this fresh energy later.

Capricorn Horoscope 2021

You are the sign that is the most practical and organised out of the zodiac. Yet you have been the most affected by things not going to plan recently. It is a time to look forward and believe in positivity. Your ruler Saturn is in its own sign and this will bring luck, expansion and success in the coming year. However with Jupiter also being debilitated in your sign till April, you will find the first three months of the year slower than and not as productive as you hope. This does not mean you can’t work on getting your foundations in place, infact it is a great time to plan and set SMART goals so that you can make the best of the rest of the year.

Aquarius Horoscope 2021

Your mind is in overdrive and you are dreaming about all the things you want to do in the future. You have so many ideas and plans, but you need to be careful that you don’t just spend your whole time in your imagination. It is important to come back to reality and ground yourself. Meditation and spirituality will help you to stay balanced. Having a notebook to make your plans specific and achievable will be your best tool this year.

Pisces Horoscope 2021

It is a time where you are thinking about who you are and who you want to be. This year you will be introspecting to shape a new YOU. It is a transformational period for you, where you will develop and achieve your desires through your efforts. There will be new professional opportunities. If you can believe in yourself and push yourself to do the things you are thinking about then you can be successful.

Aries compatibility

Aries partners

Aries is a fire sign and these people are very passionate. They like being in control – or at least thinking that they are in the driving seat! They are known to be active in their chase and may make all the efforts at the start of a relationship to win their partner over. But once they have got you where they want you, they can become ‘a bit less interested’, leaving you to wonder what happened! You then need to take action to spice things up again.