Astrology Case Study 1 – Judge Personality, Profession, Health, Marriage By Priya Kapil

For purposes of a Vedic Astrology case study I have shown below the analysis that can be carried out for one of my clients – who will remain anonymous, but […]
Marriage/ Romantic Compatibility Analysis

What is Compatibility? If we look at a dictionary definition it is “the capability of existing or performing in harmonious, agreeable, or congenial combination with another or others. A state in which two […]
Nimitta & Shakun Shastra – The astrology of Omens

A very interesting branch of Vedic Astrology is Nimitta or Shakun Shastra, this is the astrology of Omens, or changes in the environment at the time a question is asked/ […]
Kaalpurush Kundli In Medical Astrology

Medical Astrology is an area which really fascinates me and I have a great interest in this. Our ancient scripture the Vamana Purana stated how the different signs of the […]
Astrology Case Study 2 – Judge Personality, Profession, Marriage By Priya Kapil

My Client for this case study will remain anonymous, but we will call her Sandra. She has done well in her career up to now, but has struggled with her marriage. There […]
Eclipses in Astrology

Eclipses have had special significance in many religions and astrologies since ancient times. An eclipse involves the Sun, Moon, and the two nodes of the Moon: Rahu & Ketu A […]
Benefits of Guggal & Loban

Benefits of Loban & Guggal – If ur feeling negative, burn some Loban – If you’re feeling energyless and down for no reason , burn some Loban. There is a distinct and […]
Saturns transits over other Planets in Birthchart

Saturn has various affects when it crosses the different sectors of a horoscope chart, but it can have distinct results depending on what planet it conjoins with. Saturns transit impacts […]
Scorpio the Detective

Scorpio’s are the super detectives of the zodiac. If u know a Scorpio you will understand that they are always trying to test whether you are true to them or […]
Is Your Jupiter making you too NICE?

Jupiterian people or people who have a strong Jupiter influence in their horoscope are very noble and generally do the “right” thing. They can be overly nice and always willing […]