Ketu – Feeling Empty

Ketu generally creates a strong feeling of emptiness relating to the area which represents the house it sits in within a chart.For example in 7th house it can create an […]

If you know a Sagittarius, you will know that they are extremely independent. They love their freedom. The thing they hate most is being constricted or told what they can […]
A Depressed Mars in your Birthchart

Mars signifies our passions and actions. How we act or react to certain situations. Mars is also known as a warrior and therefore is high with an adrenaline rush when […]
D7 Horoscope Chart with Multiple Children

D7 chart is needed to look at how children will be, this is the saptamsa chart. Look at 5th house in D7 for first child , 7th for second child, […]
Why Relationships Change After Marriage – Astrologically

Having a relationship with someone is different to having a marriage with someone. Some people seem to have a lovely caring relationship when they are dating , even if it […]
Viruses and Astrology

Viruses are on the rise right now and have been since end of last year. In addition to the covid19, there is a high spread of chickenpox, rosella, skin eruptions, […]
Saturn Mars Jupiter Trio in Capricorn that disturbed 2020

SATURN: MARS: JUPITER – three power planets conjunct in Capricorn. The constricting energies of Saturn will be clashing with the expanding energies of Jupiter, along with the igniting energies of […]
Do You Feel Disturbed On a Full Moon?

Full moons can prove to be quite unsettling for some people. Moon has a big effect on our emotional well-being, mental state. It is a fact that at times of […]
Twins and Astrology

I had a reading with A lovely young mother for her young twins. And it was fascinating seeing how the astrology for both was panning out. Firstly, with just a […]